Best Pontoon Boat Plans

Why Build Your Own Pontoon Boat?

There is nothing quite as sublime as the perfect floating structure that beautifully reflects the personality and capacity of its maker and designer.

It’s as picturesque as the reflection of a mighty mountain floating on the surface of a mountain lake. As an avid boating enthusiast, I wish this was something I had known when I first began.

The advantages of this arrangement are extensive. When you take the time to build your custom pontoon boat, you will not only have the satisfaction and joy of completing a work of art, but you will have the flexibility to craft your watercraft to the exact specifications that suit your personality, style, and purpose on the water

You will also be able to plan from the very beginning what kind of engine you will use with your craft based on your personal needs. This is the opportunity of a lifetime to begin fine-tuning your choice of horse-power, cruising range torque, and more.

As captain of your craft, you can set up your pontoon boat to meet any needs you want, but we will be focusing on the pontoon boat for those boaters with a need for fun and relaxation.

So, follow the tips and considerations we will include here in our guide of pontoon boat plans for you to enjoy your new life of boating leisure and fun.

Homemade pontoon boat

Building a pontoon boat at home is a rewarding experience that can provide you with many hours of enjoyment on the water.

While there are many different ways to go about it, we will provide you with the basic steps necessary to build your homemade pontoon boat.

1. Choose your materials: The first step in building your pontoon boat is to choose the materials you will use.

This includes the frame, deck, and seats of your boat. Make sure to choose materials that are strong and durable enough to withstand the rigors of life on the water.

2. Frame: The frame of your boat is arguably the most important part, as it provides the structure upon which everything else is built. Make sure to choose high-quality lumber that is both durable and lightweight.

3. Seats: The seats of your pontoon boat are equally as important as the frame, as they provide you with a comfortable place to sit while out on the water. Make sure to choose strong, yet lightweight material for your seats.

4. Decking: The final step in building your homemade pontoon boat is to install the decking. This not only provides you with a place to sit and relax but also serves as an entryway for your boat.

5. Anchor: While this is by no means necessary, some have found it helpful if their boats were equipped with anchors of some sort. Using a mooring anchor allows your boat to stay in one place.

6. Outboard motor: If you desire, you can install an outboard motor of some sort on your pontoon boat. Make sure to choose a strong and durable material for the engine itself, while focusing more on being lightweight with the entire assembly.

7. Paint: The final step is to paint your boat, which not only gives it a nice look but also protects the wood from exposure to harsh elements on the water.

Follow these steps, and you will have your very own homemade pontoon boat in no time!

DIY pontoon boat

Building your pontoon boat is a great way to enjoy time on the water with family and friends. There are a few basic steps you need to follow to build your boat.

Choose your materials: The first step is to choose the materials you will use for your boat. This includes the frame, deck, and seats.

Make sure to choose materials that are strong and durable enough to withstand the rigors of life on the water.

Frame: The frame of your pontoon boat is arguably the most important part, as it provides the structure upon which everything else is built. Make sure to choose high-quality lumber that is both durable and lightweight.

Seats: The seats of your boat are equally as important as the frame, as they provide you with a comfortable place to sit while out on the water.

Make sure to choose strong, yet lightweight material for your seats.

Decking: The final step in building your homemade pontoon boat is to install the decking. This not only provides you with a place to sit and relax but also serves as an entryway for your boat.

Anchor: While this is by no means necessary, some have found it helpful if their boats were equipped with anchors of some sort. Using a mooring anchor allows your boat to stay in one place.

Outboard motor: If you desire, you can install an outboard motor of some sort on your pontoon boat. Make sure to choose a strong and durable material for the engine itself, while focusing more on being lightweight with the entire assembly.

Paint: The final step is to paint your boat, which not only gives it a nice look but also protects the wood from exposure to harsh elements on the water.

Pontoon boat plans in 5 Easy Steps

If you are interested in building your boat, you will need some guidance and experience to do this right. You will find all you need to know about this project in our pontoon boat plans, along with copious advice and pointers on how to begin. So, let’s get started.

1, Buy a Kit or Go Full DIY

The first thing you will need to do is decide how much guidance and help you will need in building what is a very simplistic boat.

One of the most straightforward approaches to this momentous task will be choosing from among the many Boat-Building Kits and DIY options on the market.

On the other hand, a DIY option mat requires a little more work and experience on your part. If you are looking for something even more simplistic, you might consider the predesigned option.

This will allow you to add your personal touch on the craft without having the confusion of making adjustments yourself.

Another important point is that a boat kit can be a considerably more cost-effective alternative.

Make sure you take the time to fully examine the boat kits you will be purchasing and choose from one of the many reputable boat manufacturers in the business. Some of the best boating manufacturers that you should consider include names like:




Sun Tracker


Cypress Cay


After you have taken the time to choose and contact the brand that is selling the option you have in mind, you will need to choose the model you like best.

This will include not just the size and design, but the aesthetics, the accents colors, the graphics, and the fence design as well as a few other features.

There are several interior/exterior details to select but this is not even the most exciting part of your boat.

The most interesting part of the shopping experience will be selecting the engine of the boat that will determine the speed and performance of the boat.

2, Browse Pontoon Engine Options

Despite being an HSC (High-Speed Craft), your pontoon boat will not be skimming the waves at over 90 knots unless you have equipped it with the most state-of-the-art engines and power system.

There are many different engines to choose from. There are big engines and small engines, engines with efficient fuel injections systems, and diesel engines with carbureted fuel systems.

You will not only need to consider the speed of your boat when choosing an engine but also the horsepower of the engine and the weight.

There are three main types of engines that you will need to consider for your needs.


These are best for larger boats and are typically hidden from sight. But never mind this, as pontoon boats won’t use an inboard.


This is the typical type of engine we see on smaller faster watercraft and are ideal for the pontoon boat.


This is sort of the halfway mark between the inboard and outboard motor. It is not the most common type of motor used for a pontoon but some of the larger crafts will use this type of engine and it can offer a smooth ride.

3, Selecting a Hull and Construction Materials

Now that you have a better idea of what type of engine you will be using with your boat, you can begin to pay closer attention to the design of the boat.

You won’t want to rush any of the decisions for the hull and construction materials. These decisions will play a very important role in the experience you get from your boat.

So, you should take some time to do all the research you can and make sure the decisions you make are perfect for the boat you want.

You will need to consider the usage you will have for the boat as this will affect the choices you make for the hull. Here are the four major types of hulls that are used for fast boats.

Semi Displacement 

These hulls are narrow and greatly improve the performance of the boat at slow or high speeds.

Medium Displacement

As this type of hull cuts across the water, it pushes water to either side. Minimal propulsion is required for this type of boat.

Heavy Displacement 

If you are looking for a craft that will perform well in long-distance cruising, this is the option for you. This is also going to provide more comfort if you will be out on a rough sea.

Planning Hull — this type of hull will not cut through the water but rather skim across the surface of the water making it the best option for a high-speed boat.

Now that you have chosen the type of hull you want, you can begin giving some thought to the various types of materials used in pontoon boats.

Aluminum is one of the best options for those boaters looking to gain maximum power from their crafts. An aluminum boat is both lightweight and highly durable, meaning this is the type of boat that will last a long time.

Ferro types of cement are another option for boating material and are a mixture of concrete applied to steel mesh.

Fiberglass is another good option that many recreational boaters select and will not affect the top speed of your boat.

Finally, composite wood is an option that gets full marks for aesthetic appeal and class.

4, Interior and Exterior Design

Now it is time to think about the personality and functionality of your boat.

If you will be entertaining guests aboard your boat, you may want to consider things like guardrails and drink holders. Comfortable seating will also be in order.

You can improve the cornering of your boats at high speeds if you use a curved corner. But you will turn heads and gain admiration with an attractive sculpted exterior.

The surface finish should also be smooth to cut back on drag.

You can add a wraparound windshield to broaden your field of vision. This will also allow you to navigate with ease and comfort and not have to focus on dodging bugs as you zip across the water.

5, Test Drive Your Own Pontoon Boat

If you have followed our guide to building your pontoon boat properly, it will now be time to assume your role as captain and take your craft out on the water to see how she runs.

You will want to get a feel for the boat and how it handles in the water. Make note of fuel economy and remember if you get stuck out in the water with no fuel, this could be problematic.

Just like you did in reading this build never be afraid to seek the help of a professional if you have questions or need advice on any aspect of your boating experience.

Final Notes on Build Your

Never forget to give your boat a proper pre-launch inspection and this should begin by inspecting the engine and propeller.

When you are done for the day, you will increase the longevity of your boat by washing the salt water from the deck.

Furthermore, make sure you properly maintain that engine and check for leaks and corrosion.

Never forget that the better you maintain your engine the longer it will last and the better it will serve you out on the water.



Boat Plans